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Supporting Organsiations

 It can be very tough working as a creative practitioner and trying to find a way to make projects happen or take advantage of the right opportunities.



Guidance can be invaluable and listed below are various organisations that can be turned to for support. Support can off course mean funding (please see our Funding page), but it can also mean helping to direct you to other organisations, venues, make connections or give you advice. 



We have listed organisations who are either set up to support people with data/science driven projects in mind, or are happy to be contacted. As Cognition art continues to grow, then so to will this list



You can also visit our Expert Advice page, to watch interviews with industry experts, selected from various key organisations operating within Scotland. As well as the recording of our first public event, a panel discussion between these experts and our own artist Johnathan Elders who has produced and exhibited various art/science/data cross over projects at science events across the UK.







Supporting Organisations:







ASCUS - 'ASCUS Art & Science is a non-profit organisation dedicated to bringing together art, science and beyond in the name of play, curiosity and experimentation.' ASCUS offer access to facilities including lab space and equipment.






Beltane Network - 'The Beltane Public Engagement Network is a partnership between Edinburgh Napier University, Heriot-Watt University, Queen Margaret University and The University of Edinburgh. The mission of the Beltane Network is to support and advance a culture of public engagement with research at its partner universities' This network can be used by creative practitioners who are looking to find and connect with academics or departments within the universities involved.


For creatives new to working in this field, we would recommend either first taking a look at our Preparation advice before reaching out as it may help you improve your chances of getting a response.






British Science Association - 'We develop science engagement programmes for audiences underrepresented in, and underserved by, science. We deliver our work through the education sector; public-facing events and campaigns; grant-making; community engagement; and stakeholder influencing, with a particular focus on improving equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in science.' In  addition to supporting larger organisations and events, the British Science Organisation offers opportunities and support for content providers, this includes their own annual call out for the British Science Festival which is delivered through a different English university each year and Science Week, which is a programme of events across the UK.






Creative Edinburgh - Creative Edinburgh are an organisations dedicated to supporting arts in and around Edinburgh. While not being focused on science or data driven themes, they are certainly worth inclusion on this list as they have done so much to support the development of art/data/science initiatives and individual practitioners who mix these themes. They are an excellent resource for opportunities which they share via their website, they can offer support through advice and are excellent for helping people to make the connections that they need






Creative Informatics - 'Creative Informatics is an ambitious research and development programme based in Edinburgh, which aims to bring the city’s world-class creative industries and tech sector together, providing funding and development opportunities that enable creative individuals and organisations to explore how data can be used to drive ground-breaking new products, businesses and experiences.' Creative Informatics is an excellent organisation to approach if you a creative seeking advice or looking to make contacts






Creative Carbon Scotland - 'Supporting the development of artistic practices in relation to sustainability and climate change through residencies, events and commissions.' Creative Carbon Scotland offers various of forms of support to creatives looking to produce work around environmental themes. This support comes in many forms, including networking events to put artists and scientists together, and through listing opportunities on their website.






FUSION - 'FUSION: Art meets Science is a collaborative group of artists and scientists who meet to explore ideas, share their research approaches, and generate shared outputs for exhibitions.' Fusion offers a range of opportunities to artists looking to connect with the scientific community. Many of these opportunities can be excellent first steps for new artists.






Glasgow Science Festival - This organisation is open and welcoming to creatives applying to have their events feature in their annual festival. They are happy to engage with artists who are less established, but applicants will need to find their own venue and funding.

Although they cannot offer funding, they can help direct people to potential funding sources






Hacklab - Possibly Edinburgh's best know maker space. This facility is managed by a community of volunteers who will share their skills with other members or people access the facilities. Memberships start at very reasonable rates, and provide 24 hours access to the facilities. There is an open evening every Tuesday where people can ask volunteers for assistance with their projects.





Inspace -  More than a venue 'Inspace is part of the Institute for Design Informatics. It is a collaborative hub, commissioning and producing creative activity that unlocks digital and creative technology and explores its role in society. Our public programme connects data, research and creative talent.' InSpace is welcoming to creatives looking to for a venue to exhibit data and science driven art, and can offer very reasonable rates. Via their website they also advertise opportunities including their artist in residency programme.






Institute of Physics (IOP) and IOP Scotland - 'Wherever you are in your journey with physics, we have resources to help you.' The IOP and IOP Scotland are fantastic resource. They can offer support in terms of funding, making connections and learning resources (they have an excellent video learning resource- 'Do try this at home').


In addition to this, both IOP and IOP Scotland are heavily involved in delivering outreach throughout the UK. IOP provides the Physics Pavilion at WOMAD world festival in Wiltshire and IOP Scotland even has it's own annual, weekend long event The Big Bounce in Glasgow


Keen to support outreach and public engagement events, IOP Scotland often posts opportunities through organsiations such as Creative Scotland, but can also be contacted directly if you have a physics related exhibition that you whish to propose.







Tinderbox and Tinderbox Lab - Tinderbox 'Tinderbox is building a vibrant and eclectic community of young musicians and artists in Scotland.' and Tinderbox lab is there digital arts programme and makerspace - 'We bring together artists across disciplines with an interest in creative technology, electronics, interactive media, digital arts, games design, youth & community, and more; and we run a range of projects, events and opportunities.'

Tinderbox Lab can offer support through access to their workshop, sharing their knowledge and the regular workshops which they run, which can introduce you to some of the practical skills that you might need such as soldiering. They are approachable and enthusiastic to help.






UK Science Festivals Network - 'The UK Science Festivals Network serves to unite, celebrate and develop science festivals in the UK.' This organisation not only supports festivals, but can offer support to content providers who register as partners with the organisation.





Please let us know, via our contact page if you know of or are part of an organisation which you would like to see listed here.


It's not just organisations that can help, please see our Profile page for a list of experts who are interested in supporting artists to develop data driven exhibitions.

JoanSmith_Skull Colour Chart.JPG

Joan Smith


Joan Smith is an artist based in Edinburgh. Her work is inspired by archives and collections, medicine, anatomy, anthropology, archaeology and the natural world, amongst other things! She particularly enjoys working collaboratively with other artists and scientists: collaboration brings with it sometimes unexpected conversations, projects and opportunities. Joan is a member of the
art/science group, Fusion, the anthropology group, Bones Collective, the Society of Scottish Artists and Visual Arts Scotland.


Recent projects include Skull Colour Chart (SSA 2021) an evolving artwork where the focus is on rethinking the University of Edinburgh skull collection through analysis of skull colours; Field Notes
(Surgeons Hall Museum, Edinburgh, 2018 -19), a joint exhibition with fellow artist Susie Wilson that explored the work of the Scottish Women’s Hospitals in the first World War and she was part of
TRACES (2015 – 2018), a Europe-wide Horizon 2020 funded multi-disciplinary research project that addressed contentious collections across Europe. In the last year Joan has co-authored, with scientist Janet Philp, two book chapters on the use of textiles in understanding the anatomy of the human body, one in Teaching, Research, Innovation and Public Engagement (Springer 2022) and another in Biomedical Visualisation (Springer 2023). Joan’s installation about how plastic pollution affects the sea and the creatures that live in it, Sea Amulets, featured in the 2023 Hidden Door Festival.

Joan is currently working with Janet Philp on I’ve Got Your Back, a public engagement project focusing on understanding back health through working with needle felt. The resulting installation will be shown in the Anatomical Museum, University of Edinburgh, from October 2023.


Joan can be contacted via our Contact us page

Instagram @joansmithartist

Tom Pratt


Tom Pratt is a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Edinburgh where he teaches principles of developmental biology on a number of courses. His main research interest is investigating how changes to genetic sequences affect the development of the brain.


He has been involved in the FUSION group which aims to connect people from different disciplines to create and exhibit their works for a number of years and has enjoyed collaborating with artists and scientists, being inspired, and making objects in the process 


Thom can be contacted via our Contact us page


David Price


David Price is Professor of Developmental Neurobiology at Edinburgh University. Which means he studies how brains develop and how they might become diverse or disordered. That's what most of his work is on, but he's also interested in the history of neuroscience - in particular, the era of the phrenologists and their crazy ideas - and runs an Our Minds program for projects in any discipline on how we think. He has been a member of the Art-Science Fusion group for many years and has exhibited work with the group. He has organised and spoken at many public events. He chairs the Africa Working Group at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, which aims to enhance collaborations between Scotland and the African continent. 


David can be contacted via our Contact us page




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